Please understand that WebGL has its limitations and you might not get the proper experience of the game if you decide to play it in your browser, which is why we recommend you to download the game (if you have the supported operating system) and run it as a standalone instead, for better performance and graphics.

Helloooo everyone!

Sprunker is a game that I've been working on for the past couple of months. The game still isn't complete and is being actively developed. 

I'm releasing this build to get some feedback on what should be changed, what should stay, complexity, bugs, blah-blah-blah. Please post your suggestion related to the game in the Itch.io comments, I'd really appreciate it!

Thats... pretty much it from me. Do let me know what y'all think of the game.



Sprunker Playtesting Build (Windows 64 bit) 61 MB

Install instructions

> Download (only available for 64-bit Windows operating systems at the moment)

> Extract the .zip file 

> Double click Sprunker.exe

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